
Welcome! We are Miguel Karlo “MK” and Michelle Erin “ME”, brother and sister artists. We created MK ME World as a place of inspiration for young creatives and art enthusiasts.  Join us as we explore artistic development, art education, and creative storytelling. Subscribe to our Youtube channel MK ME Draw where we share videos of our drawing process, art challenges, art reviews, art tutorials and more! 


Miguel Karlo Dominado

Miguel Karlo Dominado is an illustrator and portrait artist. He was raised by a military family, stationed overseas in Japan and Italy in his early years, and was inspired by traditional and pop culture art, manga, and films. Miguel has a degree in Drawing and Design, and is currently a graduate student working on his masters in arts and humanities. He is an advocate for fostering education about Filipino heritage. He is currently working on projects relating to his Filipino-American experience through creative works and imaginative worlds and characters. He has two YouTube channels; "Miguel Thinks" and "MK ME Draw" in collaboration with his sister.


michelle erin dominado

Michelle Erin Dominado is a Filipino painter, animator, & illustrator. Michelle has a degree in Fine Arts with a major in Kinetic Imaging. Her creative work ranges from portraits to moving images, containing feminine elements and fantastical storytelling with textural sensitivity. She’s interested in capturing the beauty of people through painting and digital illustration, while exploring narrative storytelling using 2D animation, 3D modeling, and visual design. She is currently collaborating with her brother in a YouTube channel called "MK ME Draw"

 Subscribe to our channel to see our drawing process, art challenges, and art reviews and tutorials!